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Registration form

Kindergarten and Spring Section

Please fill out the following form in all its fields:

For the tax deduction we ask you to indicate in the REGISTRATION form the amount of tuition to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service. We remind you that in order to enjoy the 19% tax deduction on school fees it is necessary:

  • proceed through traceable payments,
  • specify the percentage of deduction for those to whom the minor is dependent,
  • keep the payment certificate issued by the school.


To complete the REGISTRATION it will be necessary to:

– fix an interview with the person in charge, m. Anna Maria Giussani, to sign the original form

– deliver:

  • n.6 passport photos of the child
  • vaccination record
  • any other records

– proceed with the payment of the registration fee by bank transfer in favor of:


IBAN: IT 32 G 02008 01603 000040910428

indicating in the reason for payment: last name and first name of the child and ISCRIZIONE ANNO 2023/2024